URG 9000 Certifications
URG9000 accreditation is available to all URG members and non-members that submit documentation of the following management practices. URG 7000 and 8000 accredidation's are required before any other level of accreditation can be issued.
All accreditation requirements reference the ISO 9001 standard and substandard and CAR Certification inclusive of Gold Seal.
Register for an account to get started or click the support link at the buttom if you have questions.

- Tier I of the URG 9000 Certification Includes the basic requirements for operating a highly-rated Automotive Recycling Facility. URG Members $200. Non-URG Members $500.

- Tier II of the URG 9000 Certification requires the auditing of specific programs and practices of your facility. To be eligible to achieve a Tier II rating you must meet all of the minimum requirements of Tier I. URG Members $300. Non-URG Members $700.

- Tier III of the URG 9000 Certification requires a field audit of all programs and practices of your facility. To be eligible, you must meet all of the minimum requirements of Tier I and Tier II. URG Members $400. Non-URG Members $1000.